MSCA member Dale Martin has released a new ongoing comic series with local writer Brad Starnes: THE DRAGON TEMPLAR! Continue reading
MSCA member Dale Martin has released a new ongoing comic series with local writer Brad Starnes: THE DRAGON TEMPLAR! Continue reading
Okay, good news/bad news…
Bad news first– since there’s been an increase of COVID the art show at the Germantown Community Theatre has been delayed a bit.
The good news– that gives anyone who wanted to participate but ran out of time a chance for a few more weeks to get their art completed and turned in.
MSCA President Kevin L. Williams has sent out some news for our upcoming dinner meet-up and art show at Germantown Community Theater in January.
From Kev:
Hi, all,
Garibaldi’s called and verified that due to the increase in Omicron in Shelby County they are not opening the meeting room in the near future. Instead, let’s just gather on Zoom for January 4, 2022, at 7pm. (Zoom link here.) Continue reading
New “Drawing Funny” episode is available- listen online here or most anywhere you like to download podcasts.
“How much is that art in the window?” In this solo episode I discuss pricing and selling– or not selling my art, and what some folks have thought about the prices I charge and if my work is worth the cost. I’ve talked before about how I got into drawing funny for a living and how I’ve set up at conventions and art shows, but really haven’t mentioned why I charge what I do for my sketchcards, sketchcovers, paintings, prints, tees and more. I also talk a bit more on how I create my own art, where I’ve sold it over the years, and what expenses I’ve experienced. Plus if you’ve wondered what exactly is a sketchcard and/or a sketchcover, wanted to know how to get into doing them, or how much they pay- I talk about that as well. Continue reading
Hey, gang-
Nicki and I are doing some maintenance and redesign of the MSCA site, so things will be looking different here. Be sure to share your art/member news and links for future posts.
“What the hell are you doing..?!!”
Here’s what’s been going on and/or coming up in the MSCA… Continue reading
Show Notes: This episode is our 1 year anniversary show, and man what a strange trip and unusual year the first season has been- pandemic, snowpocalypse, layoffs, new job at Area 51, new equipment, learning curves, and lots of comic conversations! For the first episode of our second season I share some MSCA member news, what art projects I’ve been working on recently (RRParks Cards Halloween sketchcards and Grogu/”Baby Yoda” sketchcover), some of the podcasts I listen to, and my thoughts on self-publishing and some of the comics industry publisher news I’ve heard about on the interwebs. Continue reading
From MSCA member and “The Good, The Bad, and the Sketchy” editor/publisher, Dale Martin…
Greetings, comic readers & art fans! I hope your fall (or your “autumn”, as the case may be) has gotten off to a good start! And not as busy as the start of mine… Continue reading
New “Drawing Funny” podcast episode is available to listen to.
This episode is about “paying it forward” and some of the posts I recently ran across in the “I CREATE COMIC BOOKS” Facebook group and my responses to them. I’ve gotten a lot of help from others over the years, and I hope that this podcast helps anyone wanting to learn more about creating comics, and the business of promoting them. I mention some of the folks who helped me out along my art journey and touch on some of my art-anxiety, drawing-depression, professional-jealousy, and impostor-syndrome experiences. Continue reading
Hey, gang-
I have a quick few bits of MSCA news for you. First up is some meeting updates from our Prez Kevin L. Williams…
Hi, all-
With the latest details on Covid-19/Delta Variant from the Shelby County Health Department, I am going to cancel further in-person gatherings until January 2022. We will still gather digitally (via Z00m). Continue reading
Our own Greg Cravens has a Patreon for his webcomic “Hubris”. Patreon levels begin at $1 a month! Continue reading