This past Tuesday was our last 2023 MSCA dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza, and it was also our annual holiday art swap. Continue reading
Tag: Memphis
“Drawing Blood: The Art Show That Bites.” – MSCA Opening Reception At GCT Friday The 13th!
Hey, gang- last Tuesday night was our latest MSCA monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza off Walker/Highland near the U of M.
“One, one more day- ah, ah, ah..!” – Dinner Meeting And Art Show Deadline Tuesday, October 3rd
From MSCA President, Kevin L. WIlliams:
Hi, all you beautiful digital doodlers, ink slingers, wordsmiths, pencil pushers, and enthusiasts!
Plenty of news to read about the MSCA. Let me know if there are questions, please. Continue reading
Dinner Dates, Dracula Bites, Zine Swap, Monsters And More- MSCA Fall Events
Hey, gang-
Well, it’s been a busy year for the MSCA, and the last quarter is gonne get even busier. But first here’s what’s happened so far in September…
First up was the Record Swap & Zine Fest at Crosstown Concourse over Labor Day weekend. Continue reading
Dinner And Zines- Next Tuesday, September 5th
First up- dinner meeting details and zine news from recent birthday boy and MSCA Prez Kevin L. Williams…
Hi, everyone, especially the digital doodlers, ink slingers, pencil pushers, wordsmiths, and enthusiasts,
Next Tuesday, September 5, 2023, is our dinner gathering. Hopefully, folks are still in town as the day before is Labor Day! Continue reading
“got blood?” – Time To Drink-N-Draw
Hey gang-
Just a quick reminder that our next MSCA Drink-N-Draw event will be this Wednesday night from 6-8pm at 901 Comics East on Macon Rd. out in Cordova. The ‘bar with no name‘ will be open and serving up beer, sodas, snacks, and more. Continue reading
Happy Half A Century Birthday, Mike Norton!
Yep- our old pal Mike Norton is officially old. Hey, he said it on his Instagram account today. Continue reading
New “Drawing Funny” Podcast Episode- Memphis Libraries Comic Con And MSCA Event News
New “Drawing Funny” podcast episode is available for downloading/listening. You can find it on podcast platforms like Spotify or get it directly from the source by clicking here.
Drink, Draw, Eat, Repeat…Our Upcoming Monthly MSCA Events
Hey, gang- lots of opportuniities for you to attend an MSCA event over the next few weeks. Continue reading
Peter Melonas as a one-man show…”Excellent! I cried. “Elementary,” said he.

Member Peter Melonas has an art show at Theatre Memphis. See below and attached for more information: Continue reading