On Monday, February 19th, MSCA president Kevin L. Williams and I (Lin Workman) were invited out to the Germantown Community Theatre’s Supporters Appreciation event where they announced the upcoming season at GCT with a bit of song, dance, theatrics, and some good eats as well. We were excited to finally see the upcoming schedule, and happy to finally be able to share it with all of you! Continue reading
Tag: Memphis
Caricatures For Fun And Profit – Our February Class With Greg Cravens Was A Success!
Well, another MSCA Monthly Dinner at Garibaldi’s Pizza is in the books…sketchbooks that is!
At this month’s dinner we had MSCA/NCS member Greg Cravens share his secrets for turning caricatures into cash, and how to have fun while doing it. Continue reading
“Cinderella: Glass Slippers” Theatre Memphis Art Show Prospectus
Mid-South Cartoonists Association Prospectus for “The Glass Slipper” 2024 At Theatre Memphis
-Art due by May 7th Dinner Gathering. Please bring to the dinner gathering or work out delivery details with Kevin.
-Art show installation will happen June 3, 2024, so the June 4 dinner gathering will be too late.
-Show Dates: Friday, June 7, 2024, to Sunday, June 30, 2024.
-Art show breakdown: July 1, 2024.
-Art Show Reception: June 12, 2024, from 5pm – 7pm, in the lobby of Theatre Memphis. We bring soft drinks and snacks. (If we decide to have wine, we need someone with that license to help.) Continue reading
New “Drawing Funny” Podcast- Ep. 57 “The 411 On The 901”
New “Drawing Funny” podcast episode is available for download on most podcast platforms such as Spotify or Apple, or by following the direct link below to the DF site: www.drawingfunny.com/2024/02/03/episode-57-the-411-on-the-901/
Show notes: Mid-South Cartoonists Association President Kevin L. Williams joins us again to give the 411 on the 901 for this 57th “Drawing Funny” episode. Continue reading
Drawing Funny Podcast Episode 56 – “MSCA 2023 Review” With Prez Kev
Show notes: Mid-South Cartoonists Association President Kevin L. Williams joins me for this 56th “Drawing Funny” episode. We discuss what a busy year 2023 was for the MSCA and what plans are in the works for this new year- such as the 901 C0mics East Drink-N-Draw night and Sat-Art-Day, upcoming art shows around town, and MSCA monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza. Continue reading
MSCA “The Good, the Bad, and the Sketchy” Zine Submission Guidelines
From the MSCA zine editor, Dale Martin–
Greetings, all!
This is your official call for entries for The Good, the Bad, and the Sketchy #8 — the FAIRY TALES issue! We’re tying this issue into our “Glass Slipper” summer art show (at Theatre Memphis) with a FAIRY TALE themed issue that we can release as part of the show’s opening. Myths, fables, fairy tales in general (not just limited to Cinderella) … Comics & illustration welcome, fan art of existing properties NOT.
We’ve already got commitments for two pages from Jim Palmer, a cover from Courtney Dunn … and maybe work from you, too? Continue reading
MSCA YouTube Channel Content Needed
The MSCA needs YOU!
We’re looking to add content to our MSCA YouTube account. We’d love to do “Quick Draw” videos that feature our members and their drawing talents. Would also like to do “Member Spotlights” where we do a quick interview with a member, show samples of their work, and tell a quick origin story.
What we need are: Continue reading
Artistic Opportunities: Contests, Classes, And Events
Katie Jones shared this information with us that the Smithsonian is holding a portrait contest with great prizes for portrait artists. It would be great to see some of you in that museum!! So, go apply! See the graphic below… Continue reading
MSCA January Drink-N-Draw Canceled!
Hey, gang-
Since the weather is still bad and not looking to get any better we’ll be cancelling the MSCA’s Drink-N-Draw at 901 Comics East on Wednesday this week. We’ll try and reschedule it for March. Continue reading
“See you next year next week!” – Our First MSCA Events For 2024
A new year is less than a week away! Hope you all had a great Christmas, and have a safe and happy New Year. Here are a few things to add to your calendar for 2024… Continue reading