“Drawing Funny” MSCA 2024 Review Pt. 1 & 2

Happy New Year! Two new Drawing Funny” podcast episodes are now available, and they are the first episodes of 2025! Episode 71 – “MSCA 2024 Review Pt. 1” is the first part of my 2024 year end wrap-up review conversation with Mid-South Cartoonists Association/MSCA president Kevin L. Williams. Kev and I grabbed some dinner after work, and then discussed the very busy year our local cartooning association experienced in 2024. We had a full two and a half pages of notes to go over, so I broke it into two episodes and am releasing them back to back. You can find the second half of our 2hr toon talk on Episode 72 – “MSCA 2024 Review Pt. 2”. Continue reading

New “Drawing Funny” Podcast Promo Spot

I’ve been drawing funny all my life, and for the past few years I’ve been producing “Drawing Funny“, the pandemically inspired podcast. I’m your host, Lin Workman, and the podcast is now in its 5th season. “Toon in” as I share my latest reviews, news, and interviews. I focus on the mid-south art and convention scene. I spotlight comic creator Kickstarter campaigns, offer up some recommend reading, share art advice, and talk toons with some sketchy characters in the comics industry and fandom. You can find “Drawing Funny” at www.drawingfunny.com, on Spotify, Apple, or most anywhere you download podcasts. You can even ask your smart devices to play “Drawing Funny”.

Stay tooned! Continue reading

“The Funny Pages” is happening @ GCT!

The Mid-South Cartoonists Association’s art show, The Funny Pages, is happening at Germantown Community Theatre at 3037 Forest Hill Irene, Germantown, TN, starting November 12th and throughout the show run of Annie, Jr, December 6 – 22.  We also will release Issue 10 of our comics magazine: The Good, The Bad, & The Sketchy during this show.  Limited time to get real, good art!  Art can be viewed during box office hours and around showtime.  Since 1987, the MSCA has promoted cartoon as art, and now you can see it in the gallery!

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