Back To Virtual Until 2022

Hey, gang-

I have a quick few bits of MSCA news for you. First up is some meeting updates from our Prez Kevin L. Williams

Hi, all-

With the latest details on Covid-19/Delta Variant from the Shelby County Health Department, I am going to cancel further in-person gatherings until January 2022. We will still gather digitally (via Z00m). Continue reading

MSCA Meetings And “Drawing Funny”

Tuesday was our monthly MSCA Zoom meeting.

We discussed what all we’d each been working on, what we’ve been watching and reading, plus the status of upcoming meetings.

Speaking of meetings, we’re keeping an eye on local regulations and recommendations from the health department and City of Memphis, plus waiting to hear back when we can reserve the big room at Garibaldi’s Pizza again.  We have this announcement from MSCA President, Kevin L. Williams regarding the next two monthly meetings: Continue reading

Our 2nd Zoom Meeting Was Out Of This World!

We had our second MSCA virtual dinner meeting on Zoom Tuesday night.

Thanks to Kevin “Nuggethead” Thorn for setting it up for us. He couldn’t stay for the meeting, but turned over the reigns to me (Lin) to let in folks who wanted to join in on the call.

We had a special VIP guest show up for the meeting- MSCA founding member Jack Cassady stopped by to catch up with us. Continue reading