MSCA Meeting And Local Event News- All On The Latest “Drawing Funny” Podcast Episode

Hey, gang- sorry it’s been so long since my last MSCA post. I honestly just haven’t had time for that- but to make up for it here’s a whole bunch of stuff for you in this website update!

BIG NEWS– after meeting virtually on Zoom for the last two years due to the pandemic, we were happy to return to in-person meetings at Garibaldi’s Pizza this month…and we’ll be back on the first Tuesday in April! We had a great turn out- about a dozen members or so. Continue reading

National News- NCSFEST & Reuben Awards

From Greg Cravens (MSCA member and NCS Membership Chairman) and the National Cartoonists Society: SECNCS Annual Meeting Reminders

Don’t forget the Annual Meeting, being held in Salisbury, NC on Saturday, August 28, 2021!

We’ll be gathering during the day on Friday, and head out for an informal dinner that night. Saturday morning, we’ll have our business meeting at 11:00am at the Waterworks Arts Center. All NCS members and SECNCS members are welcome to attend (I know you folks are in a gray area regarding membership right now, but we’ve extended memberships until things are settled with the NCS.)

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