Hey, gang- last Tuesday night was our latest MSCA monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza off Walker/Highland near the U of M.
Hey, gang- last Tuesday night was our latest MSCA monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza off Walker/Highland near the U of M.
From MSCA President, Kevin L. WIlliams:
Hi, all you beautiful digital doodlers, ink slingers, wordsmiths, pencil pushers, and enthusiasts!
Plenty of news to read about the MSCA. Let me know if there are questions, please. Continue reading
Hey, gang-
Well, it’s been a busy year for the MSCA, and the last quarter is gonne get even busier. But first here’s what’s happened so far in September…
First up was the Record Swap & Zine Fest at Crosstown Concourse over Labor Day weekend. Continue reading
First up- dinner meeting details and zine news from recent birthday boy and MSCA Prez Kevin L. Williams…
Hi, everyone, especially the digital doodlers, ink slingers, pencil pushers, wordsmiths, and enthusiasts,
Next Tuesday, September 5, 2023, is our dinner gathering. Hopefully, folks are still in town as the day before is Labor Day! Continue reading
Okay, gang- here are some event dates to add to your calendar…it’s gonna be a busy few months! Continue reading
New “Drawing Funny” podcast episode is available for downloading/listening. You can find it on podcast platforms like Spotify or get it directly from the source by clicking here.
Hey, gang- lots of opportuniities for you to attend an MSCA event over the next few weeks. Continue reading
On Thursday, March 9th the MSCA’s Greg Cravens and myself (Lin Workman) stopped by the WMC TV5 studios to record a couple segments for thier show “Bluff City Life” with host Gina Neely. Continue reading
It been a very busy (and wet) couple of weeks here for our merry band of cartoonists, but overall it was a lot of fun.
Hey, gang-
Hope you’re all warm, dry, and not sitting in the dark. It’s been a couple crazy days here in the mid-south with all the ice blowing through the area over Ground Hog’s Day this week, but the sun has finally returned and the weather is warming back up…for now. Lots of art stuff coming up, so let’s not waste any time getting to it… Continue reading