From MSCA president Kevin L. Williams:
Greetings to all MSCA’ers and everyone,
I sincerely hope everyone is having the very best holiday season they possibly can, and look forward to seeing you all soon! Speaking of which: Continue reading
From MSCA president Kevin L. Williams:
Greetings to all MSCA’ers and everyone,
I sincerely hope everyone is having the very best holiday season they possibly can, and look forward to seeing you all soon! Speaking of which: Continue reading
Recently MSCA prez Kevin L. Williams and zine editor/publisher Dale Martin each sent out surveys to our members to get their thoughts and opinions on the state of our group, and future plans. Here’s what Kev had to say: Continue reading
Hey, gang-
Well, it’s been a busy year for the MSCA, and the last quarter is gonne get even busier. But first here’s what’s happened so far in September…
First up was the Record Swap & Zine Fest at Crosstown Concourse over Labor Day weekend. Continue reading
First up- dinner meeting details and zine news from recent birthday boy and MSCA Prez Kevin L. Williams…
Hi, everyone, especially the digital doodlers, ink slingers, pencil pushers, wordsmiths, and enthusiasts,
Next Tuesday, September 5, 2023, is our dinner gathering. Hopefully, folks are still in town as the day before is Labor Day! Continue reading
Hey gang-
Just a quick reminder that our next MSCA Drink-N-Draw event will be this Wednesday night from 6-8pm at 901 Comics East on Macon Rd. out in Cordova. The ‘bar with no name‘ will be open and serving up beer, sodas, snacks, and more. Continue reading
Greetings Wordsmiths, Digital Doodlers, Inkslingers, Pencil Pushers, and Enthusiasts,
Hi, all!
Another good batch of information below for you all to look at. Grab your calendars and start marking them for the upcoming events.
We will begin gathering again August 1 at 6pm and otherwise meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm at Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave, Memphis. Bring food money, art, show-and-tell, conversation – it’s a good time! Looking forward to seeing you all.
Shared by Dale Martin(our MSCA Zine editor/publisher), here’s an opportunity for many folks to get their first-ever table set-up, have a new outlet for your books, or return to the event! Continue reading
On March 29th MSCA president Kevin L. Williams was interviewed by host Andy Mannis for “Bluff City Life”, which aired on WMC TV5 here in Memphis. Kev and Andy discussed the MSCA and our 35th anniversary this year (March 28, 1987). Continue reading
Hey, gang-
I have a quick few bits of MSCA news for you. First up is some meeting updates from our Prez Kevin L. Williams…
Hi, all-
With the latest details on Covid-19/Delta Variant from the Shelby County Health Department, I am going to cancel further in-person gatherings until January 2022. We will still gather digitally (via Z00m). Continue reading
Hey, gang-
Well, this last Tuesday was the 1st Tuesday of the month which means it was time for our monthly MSCA meet-up. The weather was amazing- especially for the first week of August in Memphis! Kevin Williams, Greg Cravens, and I (MSCA current prez and former presidents) met up in a shaded area of Overton Park. We had a fun time talkin’ toons and swapping freelance war stories. Continue reading