MSCA March Dinner Gathering At Garibaldi’s Pizza

Another MSCA Monthly Dinner Gathering at Garibaldi’s Pizza is in the history books. We had a great turnout again for this most recent meet-up in the U of M area.

I got there a bit early to get a quick interview with birthday girl That Katie Jones about the Rogue’s Gallery and the group’s events out at Centerpoint Toys & Games out in Millington, TN.  I’ll have that interview on my next episode of the “Drawing Funny” podcast.

I also did a quick interview with MSCA president Kevin L. Williams– between him taking phone calls and eating pizza.

We had several members either bring art to show and/or work on to the dinner gathering.

It’s always great to see watch everyone draw while we were there, and share info on what they’d been up to lately.

After everyone had a chance to eat and have some conversations, Kevin went over some of the upcoming event news. Much of it had been included in the latest group email he had sent out and was just expanded on and more info shared like our upcoming art shows at Playhouse on the Square and the Memphis Jewish Community Center. Greg Cravens talked more about the MSCA expansion deck for Con Cards and his monthly card games, I discussed the current MSCA zine and the April 1st deadline for submissions, and there was an exciting new art show announcement from Kev…

Germantown Community Theatre recently released the lineup for their upcoming 54th season. Among the shows are “Julius Caesar”, Godspell”, and “Nunsense” with “Annie, JR.” making a return in December (we had our “The Funny Pages” art show at GCT at the end of 2024).

But the “shocking” news was that “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” will be performed at GCT this Halloween season, but that the MSCA will be doing an art show to coincide with the play..!

We had a very successful “Drawing Blood” art show that was on exhibit during their run of “Dracula” in 2023, and this show should be just as much fun. More info on the upcoming “Frankenstein” art show will be announced soon. To be included on any future group emails be sure to contact Kevin at midsouthcartoonists(at)gmmail(dot)com.

Thanks to everyone who came out to our March dinner. Our next one will be back at Garibaldi’s Pizza on Tuesday, April 1st from 6-8pm. Hope to see you there!
