A Week Until Our MSCA Monthly Dinner Gathering At Garibaldi’s

It’s getting close to the time for our next MSCA Monthly Dinner Gathering at Garibaldi’s Pizza. Our next dinner will be next Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

We get together on the first Tuesday of each month from 6-8pm in the large dining room on the right. Please introduce yourself when you get there!

Don’t forget to bring something to work on, show around, or share. We also usually have a freebies table by the front door for you to leave for others or to take some for yourself.

Our meet-ups are always free and open to the public, but be sure to bring a few bucks to order off the menu- and if you’re not old enough to drive yourself have a parent attend with you.

Garibaldi’s Pizza (U of M)
3530 Walker Ave, Memphis, TN 38111
(901) 327-6111

This past Saturday we had our Sat-Art-Day event out at 901 Comics East from 10am – 2pm.

Several of our members attended and  saw some new faces as well.

For future MSCA art event news and other news watch our Facebook page, listen to the “Drawing Funny” podcast, or revisit this website. You can also join our mailing list by contacting president MSCA Kevin L. Williams at- midsouthcartoonists(at)gmail(dot)com

Hope you’re able to join us!