Call For Member Entries – “The Good, The Bad, & The Sketchy Zine: Robots”

It’s time for the official call for entries for The Good, the Bad, and the Sketchy #9 — the ROBOTS issue! Robots, androids, cyborgs, that kind of thing … funny, serious, whatever speaks to you. Comics & illustration welcome, fan art of existing properties NOT.

For the uninitiated, The Good, the Bad, and the Sketchy iour low-cost contributor-funded* venue to collaborate and show off our work in print to members and other customers. Issues are for sale at comic shops around town (maybe you’ve seen them) and by contributors at their own events. It started shortly before the pandemic, and during 2020 it helped members keep working, thinking, and becoming the cartoonists community that the MSCA strives to be.

(* As a “pay to play” project, the cost per page is SUPER cheap — $3.00 per page to cover printing, which also gets you a comp copy per page. As Kevin reminds me, this is especially helpful for an association that has no bank account.)

All contributions done for the project belong fully to the creators, and you can publish the same work elsewhere if you wish. Showcasing all-original content/original characters (no fan art, please), it can be a fun venue to try something new, build on an existing project, or preview something you have in the works!

Here are the project’s specs:

* Page size is digest format (8.5 x 5.5”), photocopied w/ no bleeds; consider the outside .25″ border as dead space. All submitted work must fill a full digest page; no “filler art” files, please.

* 300 dpi black & white or grayscale .tif files. Please DO NOT submit .jpg or .pdf files.

* Submissions that do not follow these specs will be returned for corrections & resubmission.

* Cost: $3.00/page. But that also gets you a comp copy per page.

* As a general-interest publication, we’re trying to appeal to a wide audience, so keep content PG13 or cleaner, please …

Deadline for finished art: 8/1/24. This is a firm deadline, with a tight turnaround to get it edited and to/from the printer in time for Zine Fest (not confirmed, but traditionally on Labor Day weekend).

Questions or to reserve your space, e-mail Dale Martin at

ROBOTS not your thing? Next up is a theme-free issue (deadline 11/5), to go along with our theme-free cartoon art show at GCT in December. If you’ve got unfinished work from past theme issues, that would make a fine venue for it..

The next MSCA Monthly Dinner Gathering is Tuesday, June 4 from 6-8pm at Garibaldi’s Pizza (off Walker near the U of M). We’ll be talking about the upcoming zines, art shows, and other events around town.

Hope to see you there!