MSCA Members Featured On TV, On-Line, In Print…And In Person!

Hey, gang-

Lots to talk about- it’s been a busy week or two for several of our MSCA members…and one heck of a milestone for one!

Yep, happy 50th birthday to our president Kevin L. Williams!

Kevin celebrated half a century of being on this rock by hanging with friends last Saturday at First Congregational Church in the Cooper-Young neighborhood.

Muley The Mule And Friends performed for a room fool of party-goers and were joined by a special guest(s)…

Kevin’s friend Zach Haumesser and puppet pal Sebastian T. Frog flew in from Buffalo, NY – and boy were their wings tired..!

Okay, yeah- that joke was pretty bad…

Muley/Kevin and Sebastian/Zach performed with Missy Mule/Janet Wade, Buford Dog/Martheus Antone Wade, and Roy Duck/DaMarco Randle.


They did several numbers before we all had cake, and believe me there was plenty of cake, cookies, and other goodies to be had.


I really think Sebastian was just there for the cake…never get between a hungry frog with a fork and dessert!



Out in the hallway as we all made our way in there was a huge sketchbook for everyone to sign in, write birthday messages, and/or draw in which was a lot of fun to add to- and look at!

Before Nicki and I went by the birthday party, we had to stop by Marshall Arts (over near Sun Studio) to drop off my merch for the upcoming Monster Market in October.

The Monster Market is an on-line store which features original art, prints, and other monstrous merch. There will be an in-person open house on October 1st at Marshall Arts.

I’ll have some of my “Scared Silly” prints, canvases, buttons, stickers, magnets, and more available for sale there, as well as some of my hand drawn sketchcards. Dale Martin will also be a part of the artist line-up for this year’s market.

Speaking of sketchcards, I was on Episode 33 of the Penciled In Podcast, with hosts and sketchcard artists Lindsey and Ingrid. You can watch the episode on YouTube here, or listen on Spotify here.

We not only talked about drawing sketchcards, but also my beginnings in art, being a member of the MSCA and DeSoto Arts Council, art techniques, donating art to charities, and some of the times I’ve actually taught art classes like at the DAC and Little Art Hose Project.

My art has been featured on the promo cards for the upcoming Nosferatu Series Two trading card set being published by Attic Cards, RJF, Leg Day Cards and RRParksCARDS (4 publishers teaming up to produce a single card series). I’ll have sketchcards as part of that set, plus if anyone would like one I’ll have a few of the promo cards with me at the next MSCA dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza on Tuesday, September 6th. I’ll also have some MSCA sketchcard blanks and other swag with me, too- just ask if you make it out to join us.

A few months back Kevin Williams had been featured on TV5’s “Bluff City Life“. Last week, we had two more MSCA members featured on the show…


This time is was Martheus and Janet Wade from MAW Productions at

They were on with host Gina Neely to discuss their two creator owned comic series “Shinobi Ninja Princess” and “Jetta: Tales of the Toshigawa“, working on comics as a family, and having their comics picked up by Scholastic. You can watch the interview online here.

And in other news- Roy Duck’s right-hand man DaMarco Randle was featured in an online interview with

DaMarco discusses being inspired as a kid by watching art programs on TV, later earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Memphis College of Art, recently creating murals around Memphis, and the importance of always having a strong support system around him.

You can read the interview here and see more of his artwork at

If you have any member or industry news be sure to let me or Kevin know by emailing us at midsouthcartoonists(at)gmail(dot)com.
