New “Drawing Funny” Podcast Episodes – We’ve Hit 40!

Well, gang- the podcast has reached 40 episodes! I can’t believe it’s that many…I was just hoping to make it to more than one, then two, then three…and now around a year and a half later here we are. Going forward I’m going to make some format changes to try and improve on the show, and cut back on my editing so I can not only get more episodes out more often (and more consistently), but can have more time to work on my art.

I’ve got a “Nosferatu” sketchcard gig for RRParks CARDS, working on another Star Wars sketchcover on the drawing board, and doing some research and design work in preparation for an upcoming art project I’m developing and hope to announce soon! Oh, and I just opened a new Tee Public store online.

But back to the podcast…

In this solo episode I have some MSCA member and meeting news, more updates on upcoming conventions and events such as Free Comic Book Day and the Memphis Comic Expo(DonnieCon), as well as some memories of mine and Nicki’s Saturday in midtown Memphis visiting The Art Center, attending MidTown Con at Black Lodge, seeing a photo exhibit at Crosstown Arts, discovering the Memphis Listening Lab at Crosstown Concourseand shopping at The Cellar and Comics & Collectibles.

Plus I talk about artist/MSCA member Antonio Johnson‘s Clip Studio Paint demo at the April MSCA dinner meet-up, and me sliding by 901 ComicsGoner Records, and Burke’s Bookstore in the Cooper-Young neighborhood this week.

Also feature the Little House Art Project and their current Autism Awareness art show (with the Southaven Arts Council) which is up through April at the Southaven Library, the DeSoto Camera Club‘s latest photo display at the Hernando Library, and some other mid-south art happenings. I also give you some John Grisham trivia, and my book signing at the Southaven Library back in the day with his brother, Mark Grisham.

The back-half of the episode is about a Facebook post I shared about “high functioning anxiety“. I discuss my anxietydepression, and other health issues– hey, I ain’t gettin’ any younger. If you want to skip that part of the show, the local art/event news is at the front end of the show and the “Anxiety” section begins at 4om 50sec. (Art above by art by Amy Hartelust.)

If you are dealing with any mental or physical issues I hope that you listen to the whole show, and that my sharing what’s going on in my head and hands these days helps you. It was definitely therapeutic for me to talk out loud about it. Please don’t keep whatever you’re going through to yourself…talk to someone and/or seek help.


I’m solo again for this 40th episode. Lately I’ve seen a lot of comics creators online ask, “Where do I begin?” Well, “Just start making comics.” seems like the most honest answer, but I know that there’s a lot more to that question. I don’t have all the answers, but I do share my my comics origin story and thoughts on creating comics.

I offer up some advice, resources, cautionary tales, and more about making comics and getting them out there to readers. Lots of ways to make comics these days, and lots of ways to read comics, too. I’ve seen both the pros and cons of doing cons.

I don’t offer any real advice on breaking into comics, because like writer/editor/publisher Mark Waid has said, “Breaking into comics is like breaking out of jail: once you find a way, that way is closed forever.” It’s different for everyone. I do however encourage making comics- and hope the info shared in this episode will help you not only avoid the pitfalls I did creating my own comics, but also enjoy similar positive experiences like I did. Looking back they far outweighed the negative.

If you have any questions I didn’t cover feel free to stop by one of the MSCA monthly dinner meetings at the U of M Garibaldi’s Pizza (1st Tuesday of the month at 7pm). Our next one is on Tuesday, May 3rd. If you’d like to share your experiences creating comics I’d love to have you on the show, just drop me a line at podcast (at) drawingfunny (dot) com. I’m hoping to get out more and record in person. Also always looking for any member and/or local event news to share on the show.

Stay well, stay tooned, and keep drawing funny!

PS: If you’d like a “I Have Anxiety.” print or sticker, or see other art by Amy Hartelust go to: