New “Drawing Funny” Podcast: Episode 76

New “Drawing Funny” podcast episode is available for downloading.

You can listen on Spotify, Apple, or most any podcast platform you like to download podcasts, or on the “Drawing Funny” website by clicking HERE.

Show notes: On this episode I do a few interviews with some of the Mid-South Cartoonists Association members. I recorded at the group’s March monthly dinner gathering at Garibaldi’s Pizza– first I talked with That Katie Jones about The Rogue’s Gallery at Centerpoint Toys & Games. and then I caught up with MSCA prez Kevin L. Williams about art goings on around the M-town, including a special “shocking” announcement of a new MSCA art show at Germantown Community Theatre.

The MSCA meets at the Garibaldi’s U of M location on the first Tuesday of each month from 6-8pm. The next gathering is on Tuesday, April 1st! The meet-ups are free and open to the public, but be sure to bring a few bucks to order off the menu and some art to show around.
The following night after work I stopped by 901 Games to discuss Con Cards with the card game’s creator (and longtime MSCA and NCS member), Greg Cravens. Greg can be found there on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm, and can be spotted at many local conventions selling Con Cards and teaching event attendees how to play the game. A new MSCA expansion deck is in the works!

In the news section at the end of the episode I fill you in on some \S/uper news about our long time friend Mike Norton‘s new Krypto The Super-Dog comic series and his recent Comic Geek Speak podcast appearance on episode 1997. Krypto: The Last Dog of Krypton is set to debut on June 18, 2025 from DC Comics.

I update you on my recent sketchcard gigs for RRParks Cards, and share some not so super news about me no longer working at 901 Comics. Yep, I was let go just a couple days after these interviews were recorded, so I’ll be promoting 901 no more…
Oh, and speaking of sketchcards, don’t forget that I have some hand-drawn sketchcards for sale at The Cellar Tabletop Games & Comics out on Bartlett Blvd. All cards are done in markers and are $35ea.
If you’d like to own more of my art, I have some art prints and zines for sale at the DeSoto Arts Council in Hernando, MS and will be set up at a few events around town like the Memphis Public Libraries Comic Con in May and Crosstown Concourse’s Zine Fest this fall.

In this episode I also include a promo for the Comic Book Central podcast. The show’s host Joe Stuber interviews actors, writers, producers, directors and others who have bring comic book properties to life on TV, Broadway, film, video games, live events and beyond!

I honestly don’t know what my next day job is going to be, so “Stay tooned!

⁠“Drawing Funny” podcast⁠ hosted/produced by ⁠Lin Workman ©2025. “Drawing Funny” is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only.

Run time: 52min 26sec


Drawing Funny Podcast website –

Drawing Funny Podcast on

Drawing Funny Podcast on Apple–

Mid-South Cartoonists Association/MSCA (Memphis, TN) –

My art website –

Garibaldi’s Pizza (U of M) –

Centerpoint Toys & Games –

Rogue’s Gallery Memphis –

The Cellar Tabletop Games &

Germantown Community Theatre (upcoming season)

Playhouse On The Square  –

Comic Geek Speak/CGS podcast –

Comic Book Central podcast –

Memphis Public Libraries Comic Con 2025 –




That Katie

Kevin L.