He, gang- Happy Spider-Man Day!

It’s almost time to head back to Garibaldi’s Pizza for our August MSCA Monthly Dinner Gathering. We’ll be out there next on Tuesday, August 6th from 6-8pm. Feel free to arrive a bit early to order food and get a good seat.

If you’d like to join us in person, we always meet on the
first Tuesday of each month from 6-8pm at
Garibaldi’s Pizza just off the Highland Strip at
3530 Walker Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111. It’s in the U of M area near Tiger Book Store and R.P. Tracks.
Monthly meet-ups are
free and
open to the public– just bring a few bucks to order off the menu and be sure to introduce yourself…we can’t always tell cartoonists from some of their regular customers!
We always love to have folks bring along what they’ve been working on to show the group, talk toons, draw on jam pieces, do sketchcards, work on tablets/laptops/sketchbooks, or doodle on napkins with us!
We’ve also been known to have some fun freebies for attendees to enjoy. Be sure to help yourself or bring any promos you’d like to share with the group, and join us for our annual holiday art swap at our December dinner meet-ups.
If you have any kids that are interested in getting into cartooning please bring them out. If you are a kid, please have a parent attend with you.
If you’re not sure about meeting a group of sketchy strangers all by yourself, then feel free to bring along a friend with you. We’re the group in the large room on the right.

The Mid-South Cartoonists Association (MSCA) is a non-profit organization comprised of professional cartoonists, aspiring cartoonists, and cartooning enthusiasts of all ages.

We had a great turnout for our July dinner meet-up. Lots of familiar faces and a few new ones. We discuassed the recent “Glass Slippers” art show at Theatre Memphis, the upcoming “The Funny Pages” art show at Germantown Community Theatre, conventions and other art events around town, and our next “The Good, The Bad, And The Sketchy” zine issue.

Be sure to have your finished “Robots” zine pages to Dale Martin by August 1st. Look for our next call for the anything goes “Kitchen Sink” issue entries sometime in August (with an 11/5 deadline).

The current “Fairy Tales” fantasy zine issue is available for purchase at local Memphis comic shops, including Comics & Collectibles (Poplar), 901 Comics (Cooper/Young), 901 Comics East (Cordova), and The Cellar (Bartlett).

Next month on Wednesday, August 14th we’ll have the return of the MSCA’s Drink-N-Draw from 6-8pm at 901 Comics East.

This drawing event is also free and open to the public, and like our Sat-Art-Day event and dinners be sure to bring a few bucks to order a beverage and/or something to eat. Beer, sodas, water, chips, cookies, pizza and more will be available for purchase at “the bar with no name…” You must be 21+ to drink, and anyone not old enough to drive themselves to the event needs to have a parent attend with them.

901 Comics East is located at 8551 Macon Road, about a mile behind the Cordova Malco Theater.

Here’s more info on goings on from MSCA president Kevin L. Williams…
Greetings MSCA’ers!
Our next dinner gathering will be at Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave, from 6 – 8 pm on August 6, 2024. Bring art to show, share, ideas to discuss, and talk tools and the trade. And don’t forget money for the delicious foods!
Don’t forget that August 1 is the deadline for pages due in! Please forward that to
MSCApub@gmail.com, where you can also reach out if you have any trouble or need updates on the specs, etc.
The all youth holiday musical Annie, Jr will run December 6th – 22nd. The play is perfect for the MSCA as it is based on the long-running comic strip Little Orphan Annie, so we will present MSCA’s “The Funny Pages.” We are getting the opportunity to install the art show much sooner than originally thought, so let’s try to set up the due date by dinner meeting November 5, 2024. This gives you more time and more opportunity to SELL! I’m narrowing down other dates and will have that in another email for us soon.
PLEASE reply to this email and let me know how many pieces you’d like in this show so I can start keeping a tally.
1. Advance notice: Crosstown Art’s 2024 Zine Fest/Record Swap is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th from 10:00-5:00, in the atrium of Crosstown Concourse. As of this writing, the application form hasn’t been posted, but Zine Fest 2024 is a go!
2. MSCA member Dale Martin will be exhibiting at Made in Memphis’ Book Fair. It’s 1-7 pm, Saturday, August 8th at Soul and Spirits Brewery (845 N Main). Details & updates on the MiM instagram @shopmadeinmemphis
3. Have you tuned in to channel 35.3 lately? It’s the home of MeTV Toons, a new channel chock full of some of your favorite cartoons! Sadly, no Hong Kong Phooey or DynoMutt, but lots of Looney Toons, Wood Woodpecker, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Underdog, and more! Details at
4. Are you reading your Watusi and more?
The Memphis Libraries Pet Portrait Art Show –
Hey friends! August 2nd From 6 to 8pm central time come meet me and see my two pieces @memphislibrary for the Pet Portrait Art show at the Benjamin L Hooks Main Library at 3030 Poplar Ave in Memphis in the Goodwyn Gallery area for a celebration of art and animals! I’ll have my pieces The Stars Align and So Beautiful So Spicy on display!
Rogue’s Gallery The After School Special August 17th 10 am to 3pm
The After-school Special is on August 17th!
Hey Frands and Rogues of all shapes and sizes! Our posters are up and available on the doors of the shop! Get ready to hang out with the cover artist @martheusaw from @toshigawauniverse and the younglings and more seasoned crew of Rogue’s Gallery!
11 x 17 Prints are available now in limited quantities! Framed is 20 / unframed is 10
Also hitting the stage for the first time is….!! Mini prints for 3 or 2 for 5!
Additionally we are offering free coloring pages for little members of dnd parties and more of this month’s poster!
Plus!! Make sure to check out one of our many groups that many members of Rogue’s Gallery hang out with the @midsouthcartoonists and their members who have their latest zines in the shop!
Our next show is the Daughters of Dorkness on October 19th followed by the Long Winter’s Knight on December 21st!
New Member Shawn Howe is going to featured at Lootz Collectibles in Atoka TN on August 10th!
Here is the link to the event and description
We’re thrilled to announce that the incredibly talented Shawn Howe, aka Shawnzilla, will be at Lootz Collectibles on August 10th from 12-4 pm! Guests will have the opportunity to meet with him and purchase his art from the source! Want something special? Ask about commissioning a special piece for yourself or someone else!
August Convention and Show Schedule in the area for everyone!
August 2nd – Opening Reception for the Pet Portrait Art Show at the Benjamin L Hook Main Library at 3030 Poplar in the Goodwyn Gallery from 5 to 8pm.
August 10th – Shawn Howe at Lootz Collectibles in Atoka TN
August 14th – MSCA Drink-n-Draw at 901 Comics East, 8551 Macon Rd, Cordova 6-8pm
Podpeople News:

A new “
Drawing Funny” podcast episod is up. We’ve got lots of local con/art event news and info to share there, plus some highlights from and links to the recent MSCA episode of
The Real Hernando: A Hernando Community Podcast with host
Derrick Michaud.
There are audio and video versions of The Real Hernando podcast available below…
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lin-workman-kevin-williams-mid-south-cartoonists-association/id1602727968?i=1000663077575
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0RgQRau0rBqQDrgrFCIbIR?si=AH-SmlgDSvqwfmXaoVOADQ
YouTube: https://youtu.be/eyQ05g90orI
Facebook: https://fb.watch/tvIaDV2qdC/
Website: https://therealhernando.com/episode/lin-workman-and-kevin-williams-or-mid-south-cartoonists-association

We hope to see you at one of our events!
Be Safe, Be Happy, Be Well!
Your Pals,
Kevin L. Williams