Hey, MSCA – Upcoming SEC Of The NCS Annual Meeting To Be Held In ATL This MAR – RSVP Now!

Greetings, MSCA’ers!!
See the information below about the Annual Meeting of the South East Chapter of the National Cartoonist Society, and be sure to follow through with an RSVP with Greg Cravens!
Also, Greg, this is my RSVP!!
Your MSCA Prez,
Kevin Williams

It’s that time of year again! We have planned an amazing yearly meeting this year that you won’t want to miss!
Mark your calendars for March 9-10, 2024. Our meeting will be held at the renowned Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta Midtown.
We are working on a deal with a local hotel, and will let you know about that soon.
On the morning of the 9th, we have our Member’s Only meeting and a special presentation on “Discover The Value of Your Art” by Scott Rempe, followed by a private tour of the museum and a catered lunch. 
We open up the event to everyone in the afternoon and we’ll have a Marketplace (FREE table if you want one and you keep all your earnings. But, we are limited to 10 tables, so RSVP to Greg right away to get your table!), drawing with kids, a bar and ending the evening with a special panel discussion about cartooning and puppets, hosted by Mark Simon. Guests include a Nickelodeon producer, the lead puppeteer for the museum, a digital puppeteer with credits from Star Trek to Sharknado, and a special media guest.
Then on Sunday, we have a catered breakfast and tour at Mark Simon’s studio, where he storyboards on “Stranger Things”, “The Walking Dead” and more, on the south side of Atlanta. You’ll find hidden visual delights, custom furniture, a hidden doorway, zombies, his infamous Cartoon Pants and you can add your character to his cartooning wall. Not to be missed. And, for those who hang around a bit longer, you can join in and play on his private disc golf course, right outside his studio door.

We’re doing everything we can- and possibly more than we thought possible- to make this Southeast Chapter annual meeting the absolute best one ever. It’s shaping up to be the one folks recall fondly years from now.

Have a look! Remember- read all the words! Do it now while you have the chance. Don’t set it aside thinking you’ll come back to it later. Also, ooooh! Pretty picture! Mmmmm!

Seriously. RSVP. Be there. Tell your friends. This graphic is one you can spread around to the general public. Put it on your TikToks, your Instas, your Facebooks, your XformerlyTwitter, and all the rest! Boom! Fun!

RSVP NOW to Greg at g r e g c a r t o o n (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m. Make sure to let him know if you have any food sensitivities. We want you ALL there to join in the fun. This will be a weekend to remember. 
Greg Cravens
Chairman – SENCS

National Cartoonists Society membership is open to professional cartoonists and tradespeople working in the fields of cartooning, illustration, animation, graphic storytelling and more.Membership is not restricted to North American cartoonists – NCS ranks include members from as far afield as the U.K., Australia, Chile, Korea, Spain and Japan.

Potential members must be of good reputation and their work should be of professional quality, as reviewed by the Membership Committee.

BTW: Don’t forget tonight’s Drink-N-Draw event at 901 Comics East has been canceled due to the weather. We’ll reschedule it for March- more info to come.