A new year is less than a week away! Hope you all had a great Christmas, and have a safe and happy New Year. Here are a few things to add to your calendar for 2024…
Our first event will be our monthly MSCA dinner meet-up on January 2nd at Garibaldi’s Pizza near the U of M.
In 2024 we will be meeting again on the first Tuesday of each month again from 6-8pm. Be sure to download/save the above calendar.
Garibaldi’s Pizza is loacted at 3530 Walker Ave. across from Tiger Bookstore, near Southern and Highland.
Later in January we’ll also start up our MSCA Drink-N-Draw nights at 901 Comics East.
Our first will be on Wednesday, January 17th from 6-8pm.
Beer, sodas, bottled water, pizza, and snacks can be purchased at the comic shop’s “Bar With No Name“.
The following month 901 Comics East be hosting another MSCA Sat-Art-Day.
Saturday, February 17th from 10am-2pm we’ll be meeting up in the back gaming and gallery area of the comic shop.
All ages are welcome, but if you’re not old enough to drive yourself to the event have an adult come along.
At both drawing events you can bring your own sketchbook, tablet, laptop, or art project to work on, or use some of our art supplies which include pencils, paper, pens, markers, sketchcards, and more.
901 Comics East is located at 8551 Macon Rd. in Cordova, TN 38018.
Lots more to come in 2024- ‘stay tooned” and be sure to follow our social media and/or join our mailing list at midsouthcartoonists(at)gmail(dot)com.