Monthly MSCA Zoom Time, and Talkin’ Tech With Nicki on Drawing Funny!

This Tuesday, March 2nd at 7pm will be the MSCA’s monthly Zoom meeting. This happens on the first Tuesday of each month, and just happens to be on former Memphian and MSCA member David Beaty’s birthday- happy birthday, Dave. Oh, and happy belated February birthdays to Anakin and Antone Wade.

Our in person dinner meetings were always free and open to the public, and we’ve tried to keep that going online- the only difference is you need the Zoom invite link to join the meeting. To get that, just contact the MSCA’s president Kevin L. Williams at midsouthcartoonists (at) gmail (dot) com and let him know you’d like to join in on the conversation.

I’m no longer recording the entire meeting for the Drawing Funny podcast, but I will be recording members’ answers to their origin stories, and what advice they were given- good or bad, that they’ve used in their art. I’ll be using that part of the meeting for future Drawing Funny episodes.

Which reminds me, that’s what I’m looking for to enter you into our first ever Drawing Funny giveaway. If you’d like to win a full set of the MSCA Zine: The Good The Bad & The Sketchy issues 1-5, plus a cartoon samurai tee by me, and some cool MSCA and Drawing Funny swag, then listen to the latest “Drawing Funny” Podcast with guest Nicki Workman to find out what you need to do to enter and win. I’ve moved the deadline for entries back to March 20th.

I hope you enjoy Ep.17- “I.T. Phone Home” and my tech talk interview with Nicki. Be sure to check out the show notes for her links and some of the things we discussed.

As I post this, the latest issue of the MSCA zine will be having the finishing touches put on it and then sent off to the printer. Issue 6 is Memphis themed and will be available for purchase around the M-town at Comics & Collectibles, The Cellar Tabletop Games and Comics, and 901 Comics.

Once the pandemic has ended and we can get together in person I do plan on recording episodes at local comic shops, conventions, and our monthly meet-ups at Garribaldi’s Pizza. Until then I’ll be using Zoom, so if you’d like to promote your project, announce your event, kick off your crowdfunding, or just talk toons with me, then here’s your invitation to join me on a future episode. Again, I hope to be able to talk to you all in person. I really miss our MSCA meetings and drawing nights, and attending cons and events.

Hope you all are doing well after “Snovid-21“..!
Stay safe, stay warm, and stay tooned.
