New “Drawing Funny” podcast episode is available for downloading.
New “Drawing Funny” podcast episode is available for downloading.
Another MSCA Monthly Dinner Gathering at Garibaldi’s Pizza is in the history books. We had a great turnout again for this most recent meet-up in the U of M area. Continue reading
This past Wednesday night, Greg Cravens brought his Con Cards set-up to play a few rounds with a handful of folks at 901 Games on Broad Avenue. Continue reading
So much happening for our little group that 2025 will be a fantastic year! Zine in April, art show in June, a potential in December (plus one more), outreach opportunities, and more!! You know I’m always excited about looking for ways that you guys can make more money!
Oh, and stay tuned for the next Germantown Community Theatre art show as well – we love how good they are to us!
Greetings, to all our favorite ink slinging, pencil pushing, digital doodling, wordsmithing, and enthusiast/collector folks!
Usually, I’ve already submitted a mid-month email; but, the month has been busy (and/or I’ve been lazy). But, there are a few things still worth sharing, so let me get this to you by reminding you…
As I write this, we’re expecting snow tonight so I have to run and get a loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter. (10 points if you get that reference!
Be sure to check out www.midsouthcartoonists.org and www.drawingfunny.com for more information.
Thanks for being a part of all this,
Kevin Williams,
MSCA President Continue reading
Hey, gang- we had another great turnout for this month’s MSCA dinner gathering at Garibaldi’s Pizza. Continue reading
From MSCA president Kevin L. Williams:
Greetings again, MSCA’ers!
Hope this finds all our favorite ink slinging, pencil pushing, digital doodling, wordsmithing, and enthusiast-ing folks well.
Join members of the MSCA on February 15th from 11am-3pm at Centerpoint Toys & Games for our next Sat-Art-Day. Continue reading
It’s getting close to the time for our next MSCA Monthly Dinner Gathering at Garibaldi’s Pizza. Our next dinner will be next Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Continue reading
News from MSCA president Kevin L. Williams:
Greetings, Pencil Pushers, Ink Slingers, Digital Doodlers, and Wordsmiths,
Please share this info with anyone you know that might be interested: Continue reading